zani an trek

Zani An Trek


The Zani An Trek in the Karakoram Mountains offers breathtaking views and a quick path from Uthool to Tirich Valley. It’s an excellent starting place for the Tirich Mir Base Camp trek

  • Reviews 0 Reviews
  • Vacation Style Holiday Type
    Camping, Climbing, Guided, Hiking, Trekking
  • Activity Level Moderate
  • Group Size Medium Group
All about the Zani An Trek.

The Zani An Trek offers trekkers a blend of natural beauty, cultural encounters, and high-altitude adventure as they traverse the untamed territory of Pakistan’s Karakoram region. This walk crosses the 3,840-meter (12,598-foot) Zani An pass on its way from the Mulkho settlement of Uthool to Shagrom in the Tirich Valley.

The strategic significance of the Zani An Trek as a doorway to the Tirich Valley is one of its distinguishing characteristics. Since it offers the quickest and most direct access to their valley, the local Tirich villagers have been using this pass for decades. The Uthool villager’s name for it is Tirich An, while the Tirich villager’s name for it is Zani An.

At Uthool, a lovely town tucked away in the Karakoram Mountains, the trip really gets going. Trekkers will notice the residents’ friendly friendliness right away because they are used to receiving visitors. It is advised that hikers stay the night at Uthool, at an elevation of 2,640 meters (8,661 feet), to acclimatize before moving on to the pass.

The beginning portion of the journey is reasonably accessible because of the trail’s well-maintained jeep road. Trekkers will be rewarded with breathtaking views of the surrounding peaks, including the imposing Istor-o-Nal and Saraghrar ranges, as they make their way up to the Zani An pass. The Turikho and Mastuj rivers run below, contributing to the beautiful backdrop, while the magnificent Buni Zom massif dominates the area to the east.

Navigating Zani The Tirich Valley is an excellent starting location for hikers beginning the Tirich Mir Base Camp trip, which offers panoramic views of Tirich Mir, the highest peak in the Hindu Kush range. A pass drastically decreases both the time and the transportation expense to get there, making it possible.

Despite being relatively short compared to some other treks in the Karakoram, the Zani An Trek requires proper acclimatization because of the steep ascent. Before crossing the pass, hikers are advised to spend a night in Uthool to acclimatize to the higher height.

The settlement of Uthool itself is stunning, being encircled by wide-open meadows and being sheltered by enormous walnut trees. Fresh water is available nearby from a rushing spring, adding to the appeal of this peaceful community. Trekkers can talk to the hospitable locals and perhaps even discover a charming tent among the lush meadows.

The Zani An Trek, in the center of the Karakoram Mountains, offers a fascinating blend of natural magnificence, cultural immersion, and adventure. As they cross this famous crossing, hikers will be rewarded with breathtaking views, friendly warmth, and a sense of accomplishment.

  1. Day1 Starting Trek

    The major hamlet of Mulkho, Warijun, has a connection road that leads to Uthool; avoid taking the road that goes beyond Warijun and into Zani village. The route continues a few kilometers past Uthool to Zani An. To transport an air compressor to a canal building site, it was constructed. The canal, which has been in the works since 1992, will supply Mulkho with water from a lake perched on a ridge. You can only rely on using a jeep as far as Uthool because the road isn’t well maintained past that point. If the road conditions allow it and you pay more, drivers might take you further.

    Mulkho-Chitral jeeps. Any jeep traveling to Tirich can drop you off in Warijun. From there, you can arrange a Warijun-Uthool special hire, wait for a local jeep to arrive, or trek for many hours to reach Uthool, which is located 675m above Warijun. Jeeps from Chitral to Uthool take five hours, although they don’t run very often because the area has few residents. unique hires.

  2. Day2 Finish Point

    Jeeps from Shagrom to Chitral cost $9 and leave Shagrom at 4 a.m. Jeeps only leave every three to four days, not on Fridays. You could also take the route down the valley to Zindrauli, cross the bridge to Warkup, and then wait for a jeep to arrive from Turikho to Chitral. unique hires.

    It’s TREK

    From Uthool (2640 m), take the route to the pass. In the first hour, the track immediately gains 300 meters. Two hours above the settlement, amid a few willow trees, is the last patch of green where water is available. Water is not available later in the season after the snow in the gullies above has melted. Travel 7.7 kilometers, or another hour, to Zani An (3840m). Snow frequently lasts into June, especially on its northern side.

    As you make your way down into the small Tirich valley, numerous huge cairns indicate the trail’s quality. At 4.5 kilometers and 1080 meters below the pass, Shagrom is visible up valley. Two to two and a half hours from the pass, descend through farmland and past homes to a footbridge over Tirich Gol. Walk upstream for 30 minutes to Shagrom (2760m), or cross the footbridge and head downstream along the road for five to ten minutes.

Package Confirmed Dates Trip Status Trip Status Price (PP) Excluding Flights Price (PP) Including Flights  
June 12, 2025 - June 19, 2025